Monday, 30 September 2013


Last time when i stroll around my house with my niece and nephew, i stumbled upon this beautiful creature! A butterfly fresh from its cocoon! I never had such experience like this. Of course i'm not an expertise in determining it's species.

I'm taking the vid using mobile phone only. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

3D printer..Amazing!

Amazing printer!. sukanya eden kalau dapat printer macam ni. boleh copy macam-macam. mungkin benda-benda yang bersaiz kecil je kot. Powder yang mereka gunakan ni agaknya apalah ye

Weight loss journey

Dulu berat eden 53 kg..gemok huhu. tinggi pulak baru 143cm. Sekarang start2 jaga makan dan jog, current weight sekarang 47kg..:) target weight 40kg. harap-harap boleh capai. due date untuk dapatkan berat 40kg ialah bulan 3. Insya Allah..eden tak mau dah jadi chubby, hehe..lucu sebab pendek, lepas tu gumuk pulak

current weight: 47kg
height: 143cm
target weight: 40kg
due date: March

Semoga berjaya!!!!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

mermaid: what do you think?

mermaid- the body found

                                                mermaid- full episode ( the body found and new evidences)