Wednesday 4 February 2015

Atkin day 4

Today, basically i prepared my lunch in the morning. But i did not cook for the breakfast. I decided to just divide the food that i cooked for breakfast and dinner. I'm trying a new recipe told by my friend using cauliflower. I just grilled it together with the chicken and add a little bit of salt. It was surprisingly tasty. I made it as my side dishes for my lunch.

Chicken grill is on the way! I grilled it together with the cauliflower

Breakfast anyone?

My lunch! Got tasty side dishes

my dinner. I really love this vegetable soup. i ate together with homemade chili sauce

Right after my usual jogging, i ate some macadamia nuts. I found out it have high fat content and small amount of carbohydrate. It is ok for atkin but i dont felt comfortable on munching a high fat food. of course it content 248 cal in just 40 g. But it was easily make me felt full on just a couple of nuts. :) Hope for a good journey tomorrow and i will reach my goal!

PS: Just want to add some quick tips to save your time, Usually i will prepare my vege and sealed it in this type of bags which it can maintain the freshness of the vege. 

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