Monday 2 February 2015

Day 2 atkin

I'm trying to do some change in my diet because i joined gym, and last week my trainer aimed for me to lose 2 kg, but i only loose 1 kg. So my trainer asked me to do some changes in my diet. I choose atkin because i've seen many good result. I only want to try it for 14 days (i dont have so much to lose, just about 5 kgs). So which me luck!

Sushi tuna egg roll for my breakfast, i dont eat it all, i save some for my lunch box

Mustard chicken grill for my lunch

some sausages for dinner and craving

I drink oolong tea together with breakfast and after jogging and working out at the gym I take dinner immediately after workout ( i went back at 7 pm from the gym)

i want to lose weight so i can be more confident, plus actually it is a wake up call for me when a friend of mine (not close friend of course) had called me ugly behind my back. Yup i admit that i'm ugly but i'll be better, i swear. Nobody can downgrade us for our physical. Thanks to her because she gave me a wake up call, nobody like to see a short plump girl with a boy that she considered 'handsome' which is not in par campared with me. WIsh me luck!! :)

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